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The Latest USA Debate: Kamala Harris vs. Donald Trump – A Comedy of Errors

Updated: Sep 23

Alright, folks, let me set the scene. It’s 2024, and the United States is once again putting on a political debate that feels less like an actual debate and more like an episode of The Apprentice. Except this time, it’s Kamala Harris squaring off with Donald Trump. No, this isn’t some fever dream brought on by too much cheese before bed – it actually happened. Watching it was a bit like witnessing two people argue over the last dodgy kebab at 3 a.m., except in this case, the stakes involve nuclear codes.

So, if you’ve ever wondered what happens when a seasoned politician goes head-to-head with a man who once fought a windmill (metaphorically speaking) on Twitter, you’re in for a treat. Let’s have a deep dive into the spectacle.

Kamala Harris: The Professional Who's Seen it All

Kamala Harris walked onto that stage with the kind of patience you’d only expect from someone who’s been Vice President. She had this look – like a teacher trying to get through the last lesson of the day while dealing with a class clown. She’s been around long enough to deal with plenty of nonsense, so a debate with Donald Trump probably felt like a light workout.

Her strategy was textbook: stick to the issues, talk policy, and try to keep things on the rails. Healthcare, climate change, infrastructure – she ticked all the boxes. But here’s the thing: when you’re facing Trump, you’re not in a debate. You’re in a one-man variety show, where reality and performance art collide. It’s a game of verbal dodgeball, and Kamala was doing her best to avoid getting hit by a flying tangent.

Donald Trump: The Walking Twitter Feed

And then there’s Trump. Ah, Trump. He arrived like a man who thought he was still on The Apprentice, strutting out like he was about to fire someone. The man doesn’t answer questions; he bulldozes them. If you’ve ever watched a magician and wondered, “How did he distract me while pulling that trick off?”, Trump’s your guy. He’s the Houdini of sidestepping any actual policy.

He kicked off with his usual crowd-pleasers: the economy was never better under anyone else, everyone’s out to get him, and, of course, he’d sort out every problem America has in “record time.” It’s like he’s promising to fix your entire house with nothing but a hammer and a can of Red Bull. Sure, why not?

But Trump doesn’t engage in debates; he performs. It’s like if stand-up comedy and political theatre had a lovechild, and it somehow got stuck behind a podium. Half the time, you’re not even sure if he’s aware he’s in a debate or just rambling at a mirror backstage.

The Showdown: Does Anyone Know What We’re Talking About?

The poor moderator was caught in the middle, trying to steer the conversation back to, you know, the actual issues. “Please stick to the point,” they said. Trump responded by taking us on a scenic detour involving the border, China, and something about how unfair life is to billionaires. It’s the kind of speech you’d expect after a few pints down the local, but here it was, live on TV.

Meanwhile, Kamala kept her cool. Every time Trump veered off-course, she just smiled – the kind of smile that says, “I’m too grown for this, but I’ll play along.” She kept dropping facts, offering actual solutions, and every now and then, you could tell she was thinking, “Is this really my life now?”

The Insults: Playground Banter

You can’t have a Trump debate without some top-tier insults. It’s basically his signature move. He questioned Kamala’s competence, called Biden sleepy for the millionth time, and took random jabs like he was playing a one-man game of dodgeball. Kamala, on the other hand, wasn’t biting. She’s been around the block enough times to know that getting into a slanging match with Trump is like arguing with a toddler. You might win, but was it worth the effort?

The Vibe: Chaos, As Usual

Let’s not beat around the bush – this wasn’t a proper debate. It was more like a carnival. Trump spent most of his time running a one-man circus, while Kamala did her best to look like the responsible adult in the room. It was entertaining, sure, but as for actual political insight? Well, you’d have better luck finding that at a Wetherspoons on a Friday night.

Kamala stayed calm, did her best to keep things sensible, and Trump, well, Trump just kept doing Trump things. At one point, you half-expected him to pull out a “Make America Great Again” hat and start signing autographs mid-sentence.

Who Won? Does It Matter?

So, who came out on top? Depends who you ask. If you’re into actual policy, Kamala probably looked like the adult in the room, but if you enjoy watching a man freestyle his way through life like he’s got unlimited respawns, Trump definitely kept things lively.

In the end, the real winner was… confusion. If the goal was to create soundbites and raise a few eyebrows, they both nailed it. But if anyone was hoping for a meaningful exchange of

ideas – well, maybe next time.

Final Thoughts: A Surreal Spectacle

Honestly, watching the Harris-Trump debate was like flicking between Question Time and a live comedy gig. You weren’t sure whether to take notes or order popcorn. But this is where we are in 2024 – a political landscape that feels like a reality show, and yet somehow, no one’s getting voted off.

Did anyone win? Probably not. But hey, at least we got some good memes out of it. And in today’s world, maybe that’s what debates are really about


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