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MGTOW 2.0: A New Generation of Men

Fellas, it’s time we faced the truth: modern dating is a mess, and a lot of us aren’t interested anymore. And who can blame us? Feminism—yeah, the movement that was supposed to level the playing field—has kinda spiraled out of control. It peaked. Now, instead of promoting equality, it’s left men out in the cold, confused, and frankly, not wanting to play the game anymore.

Let’s break it down. Feminism in its early days? Awesome. Equal pay? Right on. The vote? Absolutely. But somewhere along the way, things got weird. In modern culture, we’re seeing men portrayed as villains, toxic by default. The Andrew Tates and Kevin Samuels of the internet realm may have exposed some of the underlying issues, however, many of their views are borderline extreme and sexist which we do not condone. To this day men are out here trying to navigate a minefield, unsure if a compliment will be met with a smile or a lecture on misogyny. The rules? Nobody even knows what they are anymore. So what do a lot of guys do? They’re checking out.

But here's the twist: these guys(western world) aren’t just sitting around. They’re taking action, but not in the way the world expects. Instead of chasing modern dating’s constantly shifting goalposts, men are focusing on themselves. They’re working out, picking up new skills, getting their finances in order, and doing things that actually give them a sense of accomplishment. Basically, they’re leveling up without the hassle of trying to decode what women want today versus what they’ll want tomorrow.

I am aware of the redpill wave. But these men want more than binging on videogames, gooning to corn* and eating themselves into an early grave. And where are these guys turning for that sense of meaning and structure? You guessed it—church. I know, I know, it sounds old-school, but hear me out. Church communities are booming right now because they offer something modern culture doesn’t: stability. In a world that’s all about swipe-right hookups and social media validation, church is about something real. It’s a safe place where men are finding purpose, accountability, and a community that actually values them for showing up, taking responsibility, and growing into better versions of themselves.

In these communities, the focus isn’t on trying to crack the code of modern dating. Instead, it's about building meaningful relationships, not just romantic ones but connections that last because they’re built on shared values. There’s none of the "who pays for dinner" nonsense or endless debates about gender roles. It’s a return to basics: respect, commitment, and long-term thinking.

So yeah, modern feminism has peaked, and the dating scene is paying the price. 'Tater tots' don't get it. But the good news? A lot of men are stepping up, fixing their lives, and joining communities that actually help them grow. They’re choosing a path that offers more than just fleeting connections and confusion—they’re finding something deeper and more meaningful. And honestly, it looks like a better deal. We recommend the Christian dating app, SALT


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