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How can Faith steer us in 2024?

Updated: Jun 19

With this year of 2024 being fast and evolving, including rapid advancements in technologies such as Ai, multiple wars breaking out and the internet continuously being unhinged, are we becoming “less human”? I pose this question at this particular time and era as a practicing Christian, in hopes to shed some light on the benefits of having a faith. Faith in Christ Jesus to be specific. I will get straight to some points that have benefits to my own life so as not to ramble too much, keep it concise and not too personal!

Photo: unsplash/Sam Balye for

1-Peace; Submitting your own will for your life is a difficult decision but God’s will is much greater for our lives. There will be difficulties we face when living the christian life, however we do get to enjoy a peace which surpasses all knowledge.

2-Fasting; Fasting is a great way for your body to rest from constantly digesting excessive amounts of food everyday. Your body will go into starvation mode but will break down many fats that are stored up. It will also give you more spiritual focus which in turn helps your prayer life/relationship with God. Fasting can also mean fasting from TV/social media. Deleting apps off your phone and no TV for 3 days for example. Doing this can improve your mental health and well being.

3-Wisdom; When you read God’s Word from the Bible you will begin to look after yourself a lot better, having spiritual discernment about many things, and realising the bigger and better plan that God has for us. You may avoid bad relationships, support your community/church and be a better human being all-round.

4-Fellowship; When you are part of a church you are part of a family. The church is not a building but the church is the people, all being members of the body of Christ. You are not alone and will share in the christian life as you fellowship with other christians.

5-Prayer Life; Talking with God is crucial for us to have a relationship with Him. All the points I mentioned above work in conjunction with each other and will impact our prayer life in a positive way. There is power in prayer!

These are the main components of the “steering wheel” of faith that I have adapted into my daily life. If you found any of these interesting or inspiring I encourage you to read the Gospels of Matthew, John, Luke and James in the Holy Bible.


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