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Ever wondered who is the strongest in Marvel

Here’s a list of ten of the strongest Marvel characters, taking into account their powers, abilities, and influence in the Marvel Universe. These characters not only showcase the vast array of powers that exist in the Marvel Universe but also embody the dynamic storytelling that has captivated fans for decades. From cosmic entities to reality-warping mutants, each has left an indelible mark on Marvel's vast multiverse.

1. The One-Above-All

Power: The One-Above-All is the supreme being of the Marvel Universe, akin to the concept of God. This entity is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent, holding power beyond comprehension.

Feats: The One-Above-All oversees the entire multiverse, often depicted as the creator of all life, existence, and reality itself. In "Fantastic Four" #511, The One-Above-All appears to Reed Richards and tells him, "I am all-powerful. My reach is infinite, my understanding is beyond measure." This character's mere existence represents the ultimate authority, capable of resetting or reshaping the entire Marvel Universe at will.

2. The Living Tribunal

Power: The Living Tribunal is a multiversal judge whose role is to maintain the cosmic balance. This being is nearly omnipotent and can counteract any force or entity, except for The One-Above-All.

Feats: The Living Tribunal has intervened in cosmic events like "Infinity Gauntlet" to prevent Thanos from abusing his newfound power. In "Doctor Strange" #72, The Living Tribunal once declared, "To alter the balance of the cosmos is to risk the destruction of all things." The Living Tribunal is so powerful that even cosmic entities like Eternity and Infinity must abide by its decisions.

3. Beyonder

Power: The Beyonder is an immensely powerful entity from beyond the Marvel multiverse, originally depicted as omnipotent, but later redefined. Still, the Beyonder remains one of the most potent beings, capable of reshaping reality.

Feats: In the original "Secret Wars," the Beyonder transported numerous Marvel heroes and villains to a distant "Battleworld" where they fought for his amusement. In "Secret Wars II," the Beyonder effortlessly destroyed an entire galaxy, demonstrating his power to manipulate space, time, and matter. Despite being nerfed in later comics, he still remains a being of extraordinary power.

4. Molecule Man (Owen Reece)

Power: Molecule Man possesses the ability to control molecules at a universal level, essentially allowing him to manipulate all matter and energy. His powers are nearly limitless, making him a key figure in many of Marvel's most significant storylines.

Feats: During "Secret Wars (2015)," Molecule Man was revealed to be the lynchpin holding the multiverse together. He helped Doctor Doom recreate a new universe and maintain its structure. Molecule Man has been described by Doctor Doom as "the most powerful being of all, second only to the One-Above-All."

5. Franklin Richards

Power: Franklin Richards, son of Reed Richards and Sue Storm, is an Omega-level mutant with reality-warping abilities. He can create, destroy, and alter universes at will.

Feats: As a child, Franklin created an entire pocket universe to save his family, showcasing his reality-warping power ("Fantastic Four" #245). At his peak, in "Heroes Reborn," he resurrected and restored multiple dead universes, placing him among the most powerful entities in Marvel. Galactus once referred to Franklin as "a being with the potential to surpass even my own cosmic might.

6. Phoenix Force

Power: The Phoenix Force is a cosmic entity representing life, death, and rebirth, with powers amplified when bonded to a host like Jean Grey. It can manipulate matter, energy, and reality on a cosmic scale.

Feats: In "The Dark Phoenix Saga," Jean Grey, as the Phoenix, consumed an entire star system, causing the destruction of a planet and billions of lives. The Phoenix's power is such that it can resurrect itself from death and manipulate cosmic forces, making it a formidable presence. As Uatu the Watcher once said, "The Phoenix is life incarnate, but it is also death incarnate.

7. Galactus

Power: Galactus, known as the Devourer of Worlds, is a cosmic entity who consumes entire planets to sustain his existence. His strength and cosmic powers are nearly unmatched.

Feats: Galactus has destroyed countless worlds and civilizations across the cosmos. He has fought off multiple cosmic entities simultaneously, including the Celestials, who themselves are among the most powerful beings in Marvel. In "Fantastic Four" #243, Reed Richards remarked, "Galactus is a force of nature... a necessity to the universe's balance."

8. Thanos (with the Infinity Gauntlet)

Power: Thanos, the Mad Titan, is already a formidable foe, but when wielding the Infinity Gauntlet, he gains control over all six Infinity Stones, granting him dominion over reality, time, space, mind, soul, and power.

Feats: In "Infinity Gauntlet," Thanos wipes out half of all life in the universe with a snap of his fingers. He takes on the entire Marvel cosmic pantheon, including Eternity, Galactus, and the Celestials, and emerges victorious until he is eventually tricked by his own hubris. Doctor Strange described him best, "Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet is a god... and then some."

9. Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff)

Power: Scarlet Witch is an Omega-level mutant with reality-warping capabilities. At her peak, she has the power to alter reality on a multiversal scale.

Feats: In "House of M," Wanda famously altered the entire Marvel Universe, creating a reality where mutants ruled supreme and then, with three words, erased 98% of the mutant population ("No more mutants"). Her powers have been described by Doctor Doom as "the single most unpredictable force in the cosmos."

10. Hulk (World Breaker)

Power: The Hulk’s strength increases with his anger, and in his "World Breaker" form, he is among the most physically powerful beings in Marvel.

Feats: In "World War Hulk," the Hulk returned to Earth seeking vengeance and defeated the combined forces of the Avengers, X-Men, and the Fantastic Four. At his peak, his footsteps caused earthquakes that shook entire continents, and he destroyed entire planets with his punches. Thor himself once said, "Hulk's strength is incalculable; his rage is unending."

These characters represent some of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe, each with the ability to impact the multiverse in profound ways.

Which one is your favourite?

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